11 Dec 2023


30 Years 30 Stories


AUSCERT 30 Years 30 Stories – Mark Jackson

Viewing the AUSCERT membership as a two-way value exchange, Mark Jackson hopes to put in just as much as he receives working alongside AUSCERT. As the Security Services Lead at MYOB, providing tax, accounting, and other business services to multiple individuals and companies across Australia, Mark’s AUSCERT story spans years.

How did you first become involved with AUSCERT, and what motivated you to become a member?

I’ve worked in many different organisations and at one in particular, I was prompted to investigate AUSCERT and sign up. Many years later, I’ve crossed multiple organisations and am still a member.

What are some of the key benefits and experiences of an AUSCERT membership?

The key services that I’ve used across my career are AUSCERT’s threat and vulnerability intelligence, along with takedown services. These services have been invaluable to the workplaces I’ve been a part of providing guidance through various incidents, good advice, and leading us to the right people to workshop a solution.

How has AUSCERT evolved over the years, and what changes have you seen in the cybersecurity landscape that have affected the organisation’s work?

Back in the day, cybersecurity was only attached to infrastructure. Just about every company needs to mature to deal with today’s challenges. The services AUSCERT offers and how they approach security have changed to match modern threats.

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming an AUSCERT member?

Be sure to lean on the network and stay in contact. Like anything, you get out what you put in.

Looking ahead, what do you think the future holds for AUSCERT, and how do you see the organisation continue to play a role in the cybersecurity community?

Given the depth and breadth of AUSCERT’s connections within the community, the organisation’s pool of information will be highly valuable. It’s the community that gives AUSCERT a much broader picture of things that might impact individual companies that they might not see otherwise.

What do you believe sets AUSCERT apart from other organisations in the cybersecurity space?

AUSCERT’s connection to a wider set of industries and partnerships than cybersecurity silos is their most significant drawcard. AUSCERT collates a broader view of the threats that are out there and what’s happening in general.